Hoist Africa Branding Mistakes Brand mistakes: Fitting in too well
Branding Mistakes

Brand mistakes: Fitting in too well

“Only someone wishing to disappear would ever strive to ‘fit in’.”
Shaun Hick

A team with members that are so coordinated that they feel like the Russian Synchronised Swimming Olympic team is a Partnership’s dream. The value they have to the Firm’s brand, client relationships (business) not to mention the efficiency introduced by not having to explain things a million times to a person that doesn’t understand exactly what is required in a situation (or worse, keeps forgetting) is unbelievable.

So, it makes sense, for us, the branding people to do everything we can to ensure that all employees present the same image to the world. We chew the brand for the team and reduce it to simple elements and how to ‘s that allow the emplloyees to conform with minimum difficulty.

Which is great for the Firm and to be honest, for the employees. Life becomes easier and the efficiencies that benefit the Firm trickle down to make individuals’ lives easier. Plus, of course, it is not a bad look in the market.


That gorgeous brand wasn’t developed for you was it?


Within the organisation, you become one of many identical units, the easiest way to lose value and its no longer attractive; the way you disappear into the wood work.

So, what is one to do?

Introduce your uniqueness to your own personal expression within the brand; the easiest way to do this will be visual. Wear bold colours, or just black, or shoes that give the rest of us vertigo, or bowties. Make yourself stand out within the Firm, even when you comply when outward facing. 

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